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Deluxe Bio-Badekugeln Geschenkset mit 7 Badebomben für 14 Bäder - perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenke für Frauen. - Bewertung
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Deluxe Bio-Badekugeln Geschenkset mit 7 Badebomben für 14 Bäder – perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenke für Frauen. Unsere Bewertung
Preisspanne € 31-34BESTEN PREIS

Exquisite beauty care with the highest quality standards guarantee 100% satisfaction or your money back! At Satin Naturel, we are committed to using sustainable, high-quality ingredients because your satisfaction is our motivation. If, against all odds, you are not satisfied, contact us within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your money. Choose Satin Naturel. Order the organic bath truffles directly to your home now. Aromatherapy in spa quality – as the bath additive dissolves in the tub, a pleasant, heavenly scent fills the room. The bath truffles combine the properties of high-quality essential oils with the nourishing effects of shea and cocoa butter, turning a simple bath into a luxurious spa oasis, providing the relaxation of a wellness treatment. A gift for everyone who deserves a quiet moment for themselves. Exceptional quality / organic and natural / no artificial colorants – Satin Naturel combines highly dosed active ingredients, outstanding product quality, and an elegant design. The balance between effectiveness and naturalness is crucial, with the aim of rediscovering the precious treasure of youthfulness through revitalizing skincare within yourself. The production of our gifts for women in Europe guarantees the highest quality and exceptional pampering moments. Luxurious gifts for women for unique moments of relaxation – our organic bath bombs are of the highest quality. This applies to the ingredients used as well as the precise handcrafting of the unique bath bombs. Oase der Sinne is a 7-piece gift set for women with the scents of: mallow blossom (fizz), orange-cinnamon, lime-macadamia, strawberry-fig, chocolate, and black rose. These pretty bath bombs are particularly suitable as Christmas gifts for women. Transforms the bath into an oasis of enchanting scent – as soon as the elegant gift box opens, the aromatic essential oils will entice you to take a bath. Precious ingredients turn the bathing experience with Satin Naturel’s bath truffles into a special moment of serenity. Shea and cocoa butter leave the skin soft and supple, eliminating the need for body lotion after bathing. Give the gift of unique spa moments with our high-quality gift.

Artikelnummer: 7adde66368c2 Kategorien: ,


Exquisite beauty care with the highest quality standards guarantee 100% satisfaction or your money back! At Satin Naturel, we are committed to using sustainable, high-quality ingredients because your satisfaction is our motivation. If, against all odds, you are not satisfied, contact us within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your money. Choose Satin Naturel. Order the organic bath truffles directly to your home now. Aromatherapy in spa quality – as the bath additive dissolves in the tub, a pleasant, heavenly scent fills the room. The bath truffles combine the properties of high-quality essential oils with the nourishing effects of shea and cocoa butter, turning a simple bath into a luxurious spa oasis, providing the relaxation of a wellness treatment. A gift for everyone who deserves a quiet moment for themselves. Exceptional quality / organic and natural / no artificial colorants – Satin Naturel combines highly dosed active ingredients, outstanding product quality, and an elegant design. The balance between effectiveness and naturalness is crucial, with the aim of rediscovering the precious treasure of youthfulness through revitalizing skincare within yourself. The production of our gifts for women in Europe guarantees the highest quality and exceptional pampering moments. Luxurious gifts for women for unique moments of relaxation – our organic bath bombs are of the highest quality. This applies to the ingredients used as well as the precise handcrafting of the unique bath bombs. Oase der Sinne is a 7-piece gift set for women with the scents of: mallow blossom (fizz), orange-cinnamon, lime-macadamia, strawberry-fig, chocolate, and black rose. These pretty bath bombs are particularly suitable as Christmas gifts for women. Transforms the bath into an oasis of enchanting scent – as soon as the elegant gift box opens, the aromatic essential oils will entice you to take a bath. Precious ingredients turn the bathing experience with Satin Naturel’s bath truffles into a special moment of serenity. Shea and cocoa butter leave the skin soft and supple, eliminating the need for body lotion after bathing. Give the gift of unique spa moments with our high-quality gift.

Meinungen über dieses Geschenk…

Deluxe Bio-Badekugeln Geschenkset mit 7 Badebomben für 14 Bäder - perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenke für Frauen.

Liebe Badenixen und Duftliebhaber! Ich muss euch unbedingt von meinem außergewöhnlichen Abenteuer mit den SatinNaturel Bio-Badebomben erzählen! Öffnet diese kleine Schatztruhe voller Freude und lasst euch von einem duftenden Paradies verzaubern! Diese himmlischen Badekugeln lassen euer Bad in einen duftenden Wellness-Tempel verwandeln. Malvenblüte, Orange-Zimt, Limette-Macadamia, Erdbeer-Feige, Schokolade und Schwarze Rose - die Duftvielfalt ist einfach umwerfend! Ihr werdet euch fühlen wie in einer Parfümfabrik! Diese Badebomben sind keine gewöhnlichen Bomben, sie sind wahre Wohlfühlhelden! Die Qualität ist einfach top und sie bringen euch in einen Zustand vollkommener Entspannung. Dank Shea- und Kakaobutter wird eure Haut so verwöhnt, dass ihr danach keine Bodylotion mehr braucht. Es ist wirklich wie in einem magischen Entspannungsbad! Und wisst ihr, was das Allerbeste ist? Es gibt eine Geld-zurück-Garantie, für den Fall, dass ihr wider Erwarten nicht in den Wolken schwebt vor Entspannung! Aber ich kann euch versichern, nach einem Bad mit diesen Luxus-Badebomben werdet ihr euch fragen, wie ihr je ohne sie leben konntet. Taucht ein und bestellt euer eigenes kleines Wellness-Wunderland! Ich kann aus eigener Erfahrung sagen, dass meine Mutter diese Box liebt. Sie...

Was mögen wir an diesem Geschenk?

Exquisite beauty care with the highest quality standards guarantee 100% satisfaction or your money back! At Satin Naturel, we are committed to using sustainable, high-quality ingredients because your satisfaction is our motivation. If, against all odds, you are not satisfied, contact us within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your money. Choose Satin Naturel. Order the organic bath truffles directly to your home now. Aromatherapy in spa quality - as the bath additive dissolves in the tub, a pleasant, heavenly scent fills the room. The bath truffles combine the properties of high-quality essential oils with the nourishing effects of shea and cocoa butter, turning a simple bath into a luxurious spa oasis, providing the relaxation of a wellness treatment. A gift for everyone who deserves a quiet moment for themselves. Exceptional quality / organic and natural / no artificial colorants - Satin Naturel combines highly dosed active ingredients, outstanding product quality, and an elegant design. The balance between effectiveness and naturalness is crucial, with the aim of rediscovering the precious treasure of youthfulness through revitalizing skincare within yourself. The production of our gifts for women in Europe guarantees the highest quality and exceptional pampering moments. Luxurious gifts for...



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Wir haben Bewertungen und den besten Preis für den "Geschenke für Frauen - 7 Luxus BIO Badebomben Vegan Für 14 Bäder - Weihnachtsgeschenke für Frauen - Badekugeln als Badezusatz, Entspannung - Geschenkset Frauen, Geschenkideen, Frauen Geschenk" . Unsere Website enthält viele tausend Originalgeschenke, darunter die besten Geschenkideen für Männer, Frauen, Kinder, Kleinkinder und Babys. Wir sind der einzige Ort, an dem Sie Ihre Geschenkeinkaufsbedürfnisse lösen müssen. Wir machen den Einkaufen für originelle Geschenke lustig, einfach und wirtschaftlich!

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